Traditionally in Ashtanga Lineage, practitioners observe Moon days (new moon and full moon ) as holidays. We don’t do physical practice on that day and consider it as holiday for body and take rest, maybe only do pranayama and meditation on that day and simply regenerate and give rest to our body. What happens actually if we do so?
What happens actually if we do so?
It’s not that if we do practice on this day it’s a sin or our body will break into pieces. However, tracing back to history of Hindu culture, Mysore Traditions and also simple physical aspects, it has one common thing to believe that the cycle of the moon apply enormous influence on the human anatomy, like as it affects the water bodies on earth in cycles of tides.
During a full moon a person might become energetic, restless, irritable and not grounded, and on new moon it might feel like more calm, relax, little lathergic for any physical movements, more grounded.
It is ideal to fast or take simple light food on new mooon and full moon days, as its said that it reduce the acidic contain in our body, slows down the metabolic rate, slows down the system of our body of the enormous food loads, and this helps to restore the body and mind equally.
Mostly, this fasting is done after 12 hours of fasting on the the moon day and finish the day with cleansing the body with a bath, prayers or meditation, take a simple light food at the evening.
To observe moon days is one way to recognize and honor the rhythms of nature so we can live in greater harmony with it.