

Born and raised in a Brahmin family, Vedanta has been inclined towards spirituality with Bhakti yoga since childhood. By the age of 15, meditation had become an integral part of his daily rituals, a practice he started alongside reciting mantras with his parents during religious ceremonies at home and in temples. Introduced to yoga asanas as a form of physical activity during his early tennis training, it was only later, following a shoulder injury from tennis, that he deepened his asana practice to aid in recovery and initiated an in-depth study of it. Vedanta has pursued the study and practice of Ashtanga yoga with his teacher in Mysore, an authorized Level 2, and shares his practice with the seekers. Additionally, he is practicing and pursuing his studies in Ayurveda, and he is a Level 1 Ayurveda therapist. His studying also includes in Natural Health Science from the International Institute of Mahayoga and Natural Hygiene (IMANAH), through which he guides individuals in healing and curing diseases using nature cure methods. Moreover, Vedanta is engaged in the study of Advaita Vedanta philosophy. Vedanta’s teachings emphasize breathing, silence, techniques, focus, and internal strength. He often incorporates meditation, pranayama, and chanting into his sessions, sharing the practices he has embraced throughout his spiritual journey.